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Why don’t and why can’t conventional diets work for permanent weight loss.

Saturday, August 25th, 2012

Conventional diets can’t and don’t work for permanent weight loss. They never have and they never will. Why not? Because conventional diets attempt to deal with the emotional and physical food cravings with the willpower and discipline of the conscious mind. But those cravings aren’t located there, they are located in the cognitive maps of the subconscious mind. To deal with these issues, one must work with the subconscious mind, and hypnosis is the only way to access the subconscious mind deliberately. Hypnosis is the bridge to the subconscious mind.

Overeating and thus excess weight gain is a symptom of something else going on in the persons life. Unless the emotional cues are dealt with and put behind the person, and also the types of foods that cause one to want to overeat are eliminated during the weight loss phase, the conventional diet is doomed to failure.  In fact most individuals that want to lose weight, have been on so many conventional diets… they can’t remember them all!

Individuals do not overeat because their body is calling for more nourishment. They over eat because they are sad, worried, stressed or any number of other emotional reasons. They eat hoping to feel better… to be comforted… we even called the foods – comfort foods! But the “comfort” that this type of eating brings, doesn’t last very long – generally it’s only a matter of moments until the guilt sets in and the person feels even worse. Then they eat some more – and then the guilt… well you see the pattern and get the picture.

I see those that want to lose weight on a daily basis. We attack the overeating on at least two fronts. One – the emotional cause or causes. Two – eliminate the foods the give cues to overeat. The desire to overeat from the physical cues that stimulate over eating, will generally disappear in four days. That leaves us the time to discover the emotional cues and enable the person to move past them.

My three part weight loss program will include addressing celebratory eating, overeating while under the influence and absent minded eating. Again – this is not just another diet in the incredibly long list of conventional diets or “secrets” to dieting, our objective is permanent weight loss.

Many many people that are in the hospitals have done it to themselves by overeating. It happens, but you don’t see too many “skinny” people with colon cancer, gall bladder problems, sleep apnea, Type II Diabetes, heart disease and the list goes on and on. It happens, but quite often people do in fact bring on poor health.

Most people initially want to lose weight for cosmetic reasons only. But wouldn’t it be cool to be trim, fit and healthy as well?

Hypnosis to alleviate the nausea and the fatigue of chemotherapy.

Saturday, August 25th, 2012

Hypnosis is an effective tool for getting rid of  nausea and fatigue of chemotherapy. Those that must under go chemotherapy are counseled by those that are administering it that “they should expect to feel tired and experience nausea”. And then they do. They were given a powerful negative suggestion by the administrator. The person that indicated that they going to feel bad, made this suggestion with good intentions. They didn’t want the person that was to undergo chemo to feel that the side effects were unusual, so they tell them to expect them! That is a suggestion. They will now expect those side effects!

Hypnosis deals with suggestions to the subconscious mind, and those suggestions have proved to be beneficial for medical purposes for well over two hundred years! Hypnotic suggestions allow people to quit smoking, quit drinking, to experience painless dentistry and to make permanent behavioral changes in their lives . Hypnotic suggestions are used to enable individuals to undergo colonoscopies  and cystoscopic examinations without either pain or discomfort! Isn’t this incredible? Doesn’t it make sense that if hypnosis will allow one to undergo medical procedures that normally are conducted with anesthesia without discomfort, these same types of suggestion while in hypnosis, will allow a person relief from the nausea and fatigue of chemo?  In fact the stomach and how it feels  is directly connected to the subconscious mind

I routinely see those that are seeking relief from the symptoms of IBS or Crohn’s disease. Are we saying that we have found a cure for them? Of course not. But isn’t it pretty cool that they can live their lives without the pain, the dysentery, the discomfort and the fear of an attack?

If you or someone you know is undergoing chemo or about to, give me a call for a complimentary consultation.

If you drink alcohol to change the way you feel – you are drinking too much!

Saturday, August 25th, 2012

Weekly, individuals come to see me in my hypnotherapy practice in Atlanta Georgia with the thought that they might be drinking just a little too much. Of course they will protest that they couldn’t be an alcoholic, but maybe they ought to cut back a bit. It’s not rare to find those that are drinking two bottles of wine per night! At first they insist that their marriage, job, family relationships and their life are perfect. But if that is the case, why are they drinking wine, beer or liquor instead of tea, water or coffee?

They are drinking to change the way they feel! They don’t seem to want to admit that they are unhappy. They don’t seem to grasp that if they need alcohol to feel better – drinking is not the problem… it is a symptom of the real problem or problems. Would that person want a doctor operating on them that had drank two bottles of wine the night before? Would they want a dentist to do a root canal or perform cosmetic surgery on them who had drank a fifth of vodka every five days? Would they want to be in an airliner that was being flown by a pilot that only drank a couple of martinis before take off? Of course not. They realize that other people have diminished abilities when they drink – but somehow they don’t think that they might not be as good of a marriage partner, a parent or a son or daughter, an employee or a supervisor if they are staying at home and consuming alcohol in front of the TV or on their deck until they fall asleep.

If one is drinking to feel better… one is drinking too much! Period! It’s kind of like smoking cigarettes – the person that smokes feels that only others will develop cancer. Folks come in routinely drinking ten or more bottles of beer a night and think that’s normal and alright for their body and mind – it isn’t. They are damaging their body as it wasn’t designed to run on alcohol.

There is a fog from drinking. That fog gives one altered personalities and diminished capabilities that doesn’t disappear overnight even if that person is not hung over and feels sober. Alcohol has a half life that stays with one and builds if that person is drinking on a daily or every other day basis. An individual that drinks in excess – will have a brain that is 17% smaller than if they didn’t.

The liver is the body’s filter. It’s used to filter fats, medicines (even like Motrin) and just about everything else. One really needs a liver to live –  and there is no such thing as dialysis for a liver. Your liver should be pliable and have good tone in order to function properly. Excess drinking will destroy it, and if those on the transplant committee feel that the candidate is an alcoholic – even if the candidate doesn’t share that opinion… they can’t get onto the waiting list for a new liver.

There are safer and much better ways to feel good. If you could or might be drinking to excess and slowly killing yourself or functioning beneath your potential, call me for a complimentary consultation and lets find out whats broke and fix it. Lets not waste your consultation time by defending why you drink – lets fix whatever the real problem is.

Celebratory Eating

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

It’s your birthday!

It’s Friday!

I’m on vacation!

It’s a picnic!

It’s Thanksgiving!

It’s Christmas!

Okay, just one small piece.

What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t be rude, it was a baby shower.

What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t be rude, it was a wedding.

What was I supposed to do? It was my old boss’s retirement party.

What was I supposed to do? It was my high school class reunion.

How often do I get to have a girl’s night out?

How often do I go on a cruise?

Don’t I have to reward myself for being good once in a while?!?!?

If you don’t move beyond the above kind of thinking, you will never lose the weight that you desire to lose – instead you will destine yourself, to a life of one diet after another until you finally give up.

No matter what the supposed justification or rationalization, the above examples of what I call, celebratory eating, are really just EXCUSES to overeat! You say you want to be thin trim and healthy. In fact you’ve been saying that for years. But if you continue to behave contrary to your weight loss goals by using the above as reasons to snack and overeat – your weight and size will remain the same. If you want to change the way that you deal with overeating – you must do it in your subconscious mind. That way, you absentmindedly eat the right foods – instead of absentmindedly eating the wrong foods. That’s why hypnosis is the perfect solution for permanent weight loss.  The subconscious mind creates automatic behaviors.  Anytime you are in a highly emotional state and eat something, the two become linked in your mind.  Absent minded overeating has worked to your detriment; let’s enlist your powerful subconscious mind and enable you to unconsciously eat right!

In your hypnosis sessions we will link positive feelings to healthier activities.  If you only celebrate or feel good when eating, how can you ever get rid of excess weight?  There are many other activities that can give positive feedback.  Exercise, socializing with friends, reading a good book, playing with your pet etc.  are all activities that are healthier than simply eating.  Nothing tastes better then life!!

We will also use aversion therapy using hypnosis to give you the ability to just say no to the celebratory eating that has sabotaged you for years. Hypnotherapy will give the celebratory over eater an entirely new mindset that will enable them to overcome those moments of weakness.

You’ve tried diets, discipline and willpower for years. If you feel that this is your time and your window of opportunity to finally lose the weight you’ve been wanting to lose for years, and to get off of the constant diet roller coaster, call Bob Crow at 404.277.1827 for a complimentary consultation.


Choking – underperforming under stress.

Sunday, March 11th, 2012

Many athletes, entertainers and others, who must execute their skill flawlessly, argue that they have a positive image of what they’re trying to accomplish. And… they probably do! But when it’s time for them to act in public, they often fall short of their best. Having positive thoughts and a good mental picture of a great game or performance can’t be underestimated, but a proper mental image alone won’t guarantee success. What causes talented people to make mistakes that they often wouldn’t make when they’re alone? The phenomenon is known as choking, is under performing and it can ruin their day.

Choking occurs when worry, pressure, anxiousness or over thinking overcome the person. This phenomenon is also referred to as losing it, blowing up or falling apart. It happens to performers playing taps or singing the National Anthem at public events. Extended periods of underperformance are called slumps. Golfers, tennis players, hitters, pitchers, basketball players, salesmen and others can experience these slumps.

What causes this underperformance? Just as a computer has random access memory, so do humans! The working or extremely short term memory portion of our memory is called the phonological loop. Once one knows how to swing a tennis racket or a golf club for example, these actions should be performed with our mind’s auto pilot using the basal ganglia and motor cortex of the brain – not its short term working memory – or phonological loop. This working memory can only hold 7 to 9 things. When we start trying to control the motor skills of the golf swing for example, we’re bringing the different components of the swing out of the basal ganglia and motor cortex, up into the working memory. This condition is then exacerbated by trying even harder to control the motors skills. In fact the harder one tries, the worse the performance. This over loads the phonological loop or short term memory.

In the band room the trumpet player plays taps without mistakes. But at a public ceremony, he wants to make sure he doesn’t mess up, so instead of playing on his mind’s auto pilot, he over thinks. This over thinking is causing a severe drain on his working memory! A soloist singing the national anthem, an actor delivering his or her lines, have all practiced over and over and over again and performed flawlessly, yet when it really counts, the pressure of the event can cause them to choke and perform far beneath their talent and abilities. When I work with golfers for example, I instruct them to go to the tee, look where they want to put the ball, notice I didn’t say hit, and without a practice swing, just put it there. This frees up their phonological loop to concentrate on where they want the ball to go, instead of trying to remember all of the components of the golf swing. Nike once had a slogan – just do it! Actually that is the best way!

The fear of losing it, blowing it, of others seeing us mess up will cause many to attempt to over control. These thoughts, worries, doubts and fears reside in the subconscious mind – in the cognitive maps of the alpha and theta states. Therefore, it’s an exercise in futility to attempt to over control with our conscious mind, by only positive thinking or imagining. The subconscious must be included! Therapists that utilize talk therapy only, can’t enable their patients or clients to fix their problem, as they are continually revisiting the incident or incidents, thereby reinforcing the fear/problem.  Remember the “don’t think of an elephant for ten seconds?” It was impossible – wasn’t it? Talk therapy deals only in the beta or the fully conscious and engaged mind. We can’t make permanent changes there. Only in the subconscious can we make permanent behavioral change.

In hypnotherapy, we use conversation to indentify the areas of doubt and fear and then we use the therapy of hypnosis to move past these fears and doubts by accessing the subconscious mind. And, the only way the subconscious mind can be accessed deliberately, is with hypnosis. Hypnosis is the bridge to the subconscious mind.

Whether it might be in sports, entertainment, business, public speaking or something completely different, if you feel that “choking” could be holding you back, please call Bob Crow for a complimentary consultation.

Perfecting Parenting

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

The popular television series The Dog Whisperer hosted by Cesar Milan shows him working with difficult and sometimes dangerous dogs. Cesar says “he rehabilitates dogs and trains their owners.” Cesar is not only insightful with dogs, but he’s a superb people psychologist as well. In most cases dogs learn bad behavior because their owners either permit it or caused it in the first place.

I was at our subdivision’s pool for about two and a half hours one day last summer, and I observed a woman that had brought her two children to the pool. For the entire time, even when she went to the snack shop, she was on her cell phone. When the kids would come out of the pool and say “watch this mommy” her reply was “can’t you see mommy is on her phone?”

I decided to drive to the bookstore and as I got up to leave I noticed that she was gathering up her kids and was still talking on her cell phone. Her conversation with her various friends could only be labeled as gossip by anyone who had to hear it. From what I heard, her conversations were totally condemning, critical and judgmental of everyone she talked about.

Coincidently she was going to the books store as well. The traffic was such that I had to follow her for the entire twenty minute trip. I couldn’t help but notice that her cell phone only left her ear long enough for her to place a new call! When I left the bookstore, her kids were arguing while she remained engaged in her conversations! If you would ask her how she spent her day, she would probably indicate that she spent it with her kids.

The truth of the matter was that she wasn’t even remotely engaged with her children. She did frequently threaten them with time outs if they didn’t stop this that or the other thing immediately. What is wrong in this picture?

I’ve often said that barring a physical problem, “it doesn’t take much effort to have sex and give birth to a child, but to raise one to be a balanced, happy, confident member of society, that… takes a lot of work.”

As a behavioral therapist that’s board certified in both clinical and medical hypnotherapy, some of the individuals that I see are children. The one’s that make it to my office are pretty messed up. Quite often they are like this because their parents are permissive or not emotionally available to their kids. It’s easier to buy the children something than to connect with them and teach and show interest in them.

A parent’s job is not to be their child’s best friend; the child will have a lot of friends in life. But it is to be a parent. There’s a big difference.


Cutting back doesn’t work!

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

I am a practicing hypnotherapist in Atlanta, Georgia. A great portion of my hypnosis practice here in Atlanta is weight loss. Many people that have came to see me have previously attempted to lose weight by trying to cut back, on what they eat. They’ve done this on a daily or weekly basis for years. Why doesn’t just cutting back work?

Our body is not designed to reflect hourly, overnight or even three or four day differentials in diet, so the results that one sees if any, are minimal. People think “what’s the use” then give up and try cutting back a few days later with the same lack of positive results. In order for our body to survive it wants to maintain a status quo so that it doesn’t stress itself over when or if we will get our next meal, such as cave man and other early varieties of man would certainly have done. It was not until a few hundred years ago that man had the luxury of being able to eat “three squares” a day. And it was not until relatively recent times that “junk” food became available at gas stations and fast food stores and virtually everywhere that enabled him to snack or “graze” almost continually.

Many of the people that come to see me for losing weight though hypnosis in Atlanta, Georgia are what I have called compensatory dieters. What does that term compensatory dieter mean? It means that they cut back what they eat and/or how much they eat for a meal or two, or even four or five days, or they exercise and then rationalize to themselves, that since they’ve “cut back” or exercised they should be able to have a little more of this or a little more of that. They are rationalizing. According to Dr. Gregory House from the popular TV series House, rationalizing means lying to one’s self.

In the cognitive maps found in the subconscious mind, are many, many cues that cause you to revert to your old eating habits. Some of these cues are emotional in nature and some are mechanical. Either way these cues keep one eating the way they are used to eating whether they go on some kind of diet or not. These maps being located in the subconscious mind can only be changed in the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is the bridge to the subconscious mind, it is the only way that one can access their subconscious to change these cues. Diets don’t work. You would really have to think long and hard to recall anyone, that has lost an appreciable amount of weight and kept if off for two years. Why? Because these people revert to their previous eating habits as the old cues in their cognitive maps are still in place. Using  hypnosis for weight loss will enable one to move past the old eating cues and replace them with new eating cues. Once the old cues are replaced with new cues, you will begin to eat in a manner that will keep you thin intuitively!

Cutting back is a mindset that doesn’t work for weight loss. Why? Well let’s say that you wanted to take a boat from one side of the Chattahoochee River to the other, if you placed one foot in the boat and left one foot on the river bank, no part of you would make it to the other side! In using hypnotherapy for weight loss one must incorporate the concept of commitment. Put both feet in the boat! That’s commitment!

All Sales Final!

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

I’ve found in the marriage counseling area of my hypnosis practice in Atlanta, that if the courting of each person is not continued throughout the entire relationship, not just in the early phases, the marriage will not blossom and flourish. And if the relationship is not a happy one, possibly at least one of the parties will tire of it and then they might find themselves in a courtroom.

“He or she won’t listen to reason!” Translation – she or he argues when I try to get him or her to see it my way. Try this? If you both don’t agree, drop it! Anger won’t change them. You can’t win a fight! Period. There are very few people that don’t respond well to consideration, thoughtfulness, kindness and tenderness. Yet many won’t even try this unless they first get their way.

Respect must be at the center of every relationship. I’m not just talking about opening car doors, pulling out chairs and being polite, but respect for each other’s dreams, desires and opinionsOften the parties complain that they can’t communicate, when the fact is that they are communicating! It’s that at least one person doesn’t really care what the other one wants.  They want to get their own way, and they want to make sure that the other person sees it their way, and they believe that’s the only way that they will be happy.

This behavior started out when they only were a few days old. They found that if their diapers were wet or dirty and they cried, someone came and changed them! They also found that if they were hungry and cried, they were fed! If they had stomach gas and they cried, someone burped them! They then found out that if they were just lying in the crib bored and they cried, someone picked them up and gave them the attention they wanted!!! They learned and taught those around them that if they cried, they wanted attention or their own way. Many parents always gave in to that crying and thus, reinforced that behavior. This child developed a feeling of entitlement.

Later when they were dating, they found that there were qualities and habits in the other person that they liked, but other habits drove them up the wall. Not a problem, they’ll change that other person. They may or may not have moved from crying; to more advanced methods of manipulation, but one way or another, they worked to change the other person. When they didn’t prevail they became distant, withheld affection, love and then sex. Guess what? None of these approaches worked.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the other person could be changed into what we would like them to be? But you can’t change anyone else’s behavior, you can only change yours! Guess what? You’ll like it and so will your partner in life. Most often when we change ourselves, our husband, wife or partner will change their behavior in response. No one likes to be told what to do or be made to do it. That isn’t the way we want it to be, but that is the way it is.

Can a marriage or relationship that’s gone sour be turned around? Yes, but both parties must understand that each has changes in their behavior that need to be made. Behavioral changes can only be made in the cognitive maps that reside in the subconscious mind. And… the only way to access this subconscious mind is through hypnosis, as hypnosis is the bridge to the subconscious mind.

I have found in my hypnotherapy practice in Atlanta Georgia that it would be helpful if the people that one gets in relationships with, would carry a warning label that read; “all sales final… please choose carefully.” People allow themselves not only to get into, but to stay in relationships where they’re unhappy. I see a number of single people that are in unhappy relationships. I ask them “you are staying in this relationship because?” instead of stating the reason why, they cite an example of the partner’s shortcomings. I ask the question again. “You are staying in this relationship because?” They then cite another example of the person’s inconsideration. Why don’t they just get out? I also deal with people that are abused. Why don’t they get out either? Why don’t they leave?

One – They feel that may never find someone else and then they’ll be alone. Being alone frightens many people, but being alone is preferable to being with the wrong person.

Two – People like to keep things familiar. There’s been much talk about the term “comfort zone.” This writer believes that”comfort zone” is a misnomer. Many people are miserable in their so called comfort zone. What it should be called is the familiar zone because we like to keep things familiar.

Is there anything that one can do if they are in a sour relationship before pulling the plug? Actually there is. Understand this; both you and your partner will have to make behavioral changes and mentioned before, these changes must be made in the subconscious mind. If you’re hurting, if your relationship is broken or you want it to be the way you always hoped it would be, call Bob Crow at 404.277.1827 for a complimentary consultation.

Watch “Courting or  Courtroom?” on the marital counseling tab.


Bad Karma or bad choices?

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

Frequently people facing difficult circumstances in life, whether it is financial, career, relationships or legal, often cite the reason for their problems as “bad karma, bad luck or bad breaks.” When they attribute their problems to bad karma, they’re overlooking the fact that they initially made a choice or choices putting things into motion that would have unforeseen, unintended and undesired consequences. 

These bad choices have consequences that can haunt a person for the rest of their lives. Often, these people don’t even connect the end result with their original choice or decision. Many times they find the consequences, if not impossible to extract themselves from, are extremely painful, costly and will consume enormous amounts of energy trying to reverse things. They have put themselves in a place where they are continually in a defensive posture trying to control damage. When a sports team loses the initiative they must stay on the defense and cannot conduct an offense – therefore they cannot win!

Let me tell you of two young adults, one is 22 and one is 24. One young man was awarded a full scholarship to Pepperdine! Everything paid for. He turned it down because his eighteen year girlfriend of four months who he thinks he’s “madly” in love with, could only get into a junior college. So… that’s where he’s going. He will deal with the consequences of his choice in one way or another for the rest of his life. The reduced income for his working life, will determine what kind of house he will live in, what kind of car he will drive, if and where he can vacation, his life style and even the kind of education that he can provide for his children. It’ll cause him to make other decisions and choices that he wouldn’t have needed to make.

The other person was enrolled in Emory Medical School. She’s dating a boy that likes being alone, and loves spending his time, in the woods. He’s going to a small college in North Georgia to get a degree in forestry. By the way, she hates the great outdoors; she likes urban life, the arts, fine dining and all that it has to offer. She made the choice to drop out of Emory in order to live with this young man. Her choice will have long range effects on how she will live and the future choices that she will have to make.

Whether these choices were the right ones or not, those choices will affect them for the rest of their lives. If they stay together, one of them will live in a way that is diametrically opposed to how they wanted life to be. Remember, the initial choice was one that they wanted to and chose to make!

Many many people knowingly make a choice that isn’t wise for them, and then execute it and hope that somehow things will work out. Often, like marrying someone that has different interests and habits that they hope to correct in the other person, it’s because they don’t want to step out of the familiar zone. Others call it the comfort zone, but since I see so many people in my practice, that are quite miserable in their so called comfort zone, I refer to it as the familiar zone.

When one assigns something other than the choices that they’ve made in life as the cause for the disasters that they must deal with, they’re ducking personal responsibility.

In most instances, the person that was executing the wrong choice knew it; again, they hoped that somehow things would work out. Why did they do it anyway? It’s because human beings are slave to the cognitive maps of their subconscious mind. These maps are our auto pilot. Once we start doing things in a certain way, most often we will continue to function in that manner forever! The only way to change one’s performance is through behavioral change. Long term behavioral change cannot be made in with the willpower and discipline of the conscious mind, it can only be made in the subconscious mind. And hypnosis, is the bridge to the subconscious mind

If you feel that you are stuck and continue to make decisions that are wrong for you, feel free to call me. My name is Bob Crow and I am a behavioral therapist utilizing the therapy of clinical hypnosis.

Actually, in many ways, Virtual Lap Band is superior to the surgical lap band procedure!

Monday, February 13th, 2012

Recently the Dr. Oz television show featured a segment on weight loss utilizing hypnosis. It’s called the virtual lap band or virtual gastric bypass. There are many clear cut advantages of virtual lap band over the surgical procedure for weight loss. The surgical procedure places a foreign object in the abdomen, an object that in many many cases slips up or down. This is something that can’t be fixed at home! This needs to be repaired in the hospital by a surgeon.

Many believe that the surgical lap band procedure is the panacea for weight loss. The reason that it isn’t, is that the underlying cause of an individual’s weight gain is not addressed by the surgery. It’s like taking your car to the repair shop because the engine isn’t running right, but instead of working on the engine, the shop repaints your car. The car looks great, but it still won’t run right because they didn’t work on the problem.

There are many clear cut advantages to our Virtual Lap Band Program using hypnosis, over the surgical procedure where a silicone lap band is surgically placed around the neck of the stomach. Did you know that almost half the surgically implanted lap bands fail and need to be removed? And did you know that one out of every 300 people die from the surgical procedure or complications resulting from it?

As pointed out on the Dr. Oz television show featuring virtual lap band hypnosis, there’s no post operative recovery time, and no one dies from hypnosis!

Three of the most common complications of the surgically implanted lap band are:

  • Chronic vomiting, nausea and reflux. Many patients experience gas even after drinking water!
  • The band may slip up or down, potentially leading to a dangerous condition where one is unable to eat or drink. When a complete stomach blockage occurs, immediate surgery needs to be performed to either reposition the lap band or to remove it entirely.
  • Another common problem is an enlargement of the stomach pouch. Weight gain after the lap band was surgically implanted, is a symptom of this problem and a surgeon will order an endoscopic examination to confirm has suspicions. Then he will surgically correct the problem.

According to an ABC news report, almost all of the individuals that underwent the surgical lap band procedure, gained most, if not all of their weight back within two years! What was broken – their emotional eating behavior, wasn’t addressed!

The surgical lap band procedure is not minor surgery! In a study of 82 individuals that underwent the surgical lap band procedure – 32 suffered major complications! These failures included nine cases of pouch dilation and 23 of lap band erosion. Sometimes the implanted lap band will migrate into other organs. That’s bad. Other complications are:

  • Lack of weight loss.
  • Difficulty in swallowing.
  • Constipation.
  • Deflation of the lap band because of a leak.

And… if you’ve overeaten enough in the past to even be considering bariatric surgery, you’ve already stretched your stomach. And if you don’t address the root cause of your overeating, what’s to stop you from overeating after your surgery and stretching your stomach again?

The most important advantage of our virtual lap band program that utilizes hypnotherapy is in addition to having no pain from the virtual lap band and no recovery period, is that you will be making the needed behavioral changes that are absolutely essential to permanent weight loss.

What can one expect with the virtual lap band method using hypnosis as seen on the Dr. Oz television show? Well, we will help you to identify why you’ve been overeating. Through hypnotherapy you will be enabled to move past those eating cues that have been imbedded in the cognitive maps of the subconscious mind through the years.

You’ll begin to see food in a different light – as what it was meant to be – as a fuel for the body. Not as something to do when one is stressed, angry, worried or bored!

There are three phases to our virtual lap band program.

  • Phase One is the weight loss phase – through hypnosis you will feel full so much sooner, as reported by the people on the Dr. Oz television program. You will also develop an aversion to and no longer desire the foods that made you heavy.
  • Phase Two is what we call re-feeding. In this phase we will re introduce some foods into your eating regimen in a controlled manner to see how your body responds to and metabolizes them, and to make sure that you don’t gain back any weight by eating those foods.
  • Phase Three is lifetime maintenance. The thrust of our entire program is to enable you to not be dieting for the rest of your life, but instead to eat intuitively in a manner that will enable you to stay trim and healthy.

You’ve probably tried many diets and tried “cutting back” on what you eat, and those methods have not enabled you to lose weight. Neither one has worked. Why? It’s because you’ve tried with the will power and discipline of the conscious mind. Permanent behavioral change must be made in the cognitive maps of the subconscious mind. Through hypnosis, you will be able to make the changes in your eating behavior that you desire.

If you are serious about wanting to lose your excess weight permanently, please give me a call for a complimentary consultation.