Hypnotherapy… the ultimate in business coaching!
Tuesday, October 7th, 2014My name is Bob Crow and I’m a behavioral therapist. I’m also a hypnotist that’s board certified in both clinical and medical hypnotherapy. In the course of a week, I’ll work with individuals whose presenting issues range from addictions, alcoholism, weight loss, lack of confidence, fears and phobias, IBS, Crohn’s Disease, sport and sales performance and relationship counseling. Some come specifically for life and or business coaching. But… there is also a crossover where people initially want to work on one issue, end up asking for assistance in business, sales performance and life coaching as well.
As I lecture around the country, I’m frequently asked by corporate management just why there doesn’t appear to be a long term benefit to conventional talk coaching, despite the fact that there are some really great coaches out there. It comes down to where the information is processed in the mind – the conscious or subconscious. When the data is processed in the subconscious mind, the mental imprint of this material will be conducive to permanent behavioral change.
Whether a person is listening to a speech, a tape, reading a book or going through a conventional talk only coaching session – they are processing the material in their conscious mind. But… permanent behavioral change can only take place in the subconscious mind where one finds their memory banks, habits, moods, personality and their cognitive maps. Without accessing the subconscious mind and allowing the data to be imprinted there – there will be no permanent behavioral change. Period.
Despite the fact that the average individual enters hypnosis seven to ten times a day, the only way to access the subconscious deliberately is through hypnosis as hypnosis is the bridge to the subconscious.
I’m a hypnotist. I use hypnotism because it works! Business or life coaching, unless the coach utilizes hypnotherapy, can have only short term and limited success as the conventional coach attempts to make permanent behavioral change in the conscious mind. Obviously we need to talk in order to find out what’s broke, but if talking is the only therapy, life or business coaching will not enable permanent behavioral change to be made. Permanent behavioral change will not take place in the conscious mind. Permanent behavioral change can only takes place in the subconscious mind as that’s where both good and bad habits and behaviors exist.
If you are not satisfied with your performance in any area of your life – call Bob Crow at 404.277.1827 and let’s visit about it. You might want to consider reinventing yourself!