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Disgusted with dieting?

How often have you had a “what’s the use” day? What happened was that you messed up and ate what you shouldn’t have, but you tell yourself that tomorrow, you will really get back on track. Tomorrow?” Tomorrow is such a wonderful convenience because action doesn’t need to be taken today, it can wait until tomorrow.

How often have you torn yourself apart because you went off your diet? How many days have gotten off to a bad start, only because of what the bathroom scales said? How often have you gotten mad at yourself and called yourself names, only because you were still overweight? Did you know that diets don’t work long term? Did you know that the average diet only lasts 72 hours? That’s 72 hours!!! You have known that when you are discouraged, you eat what you shouldn’t eat, but at that particular moment in time, it doesn’t matter. Because there’s always… tomorrow!

Researchers have found that over 96.78% of dieters cannot keep any appreciable amount of weight off for even two years! In fact, the weight is regained on most individuals in less than three months! They reverted to their previous eating habits and behavior, and that behavior is what brings the weight right back. After all the pain of conventional diets or the restrictions of eating the pre packaged foods, why does this happen?

A diet makes one feel deprived, and feeling deprived leads one into feeling depressed. When the overeater is depressed, he overeats in order to feel better. Emotional overeating is what brought on the gain in weight to start with. Conventional diets and prepackaged weight loss programs always leave the root cause of the overeating, still in place. Thus the lost weight will be regained when they either run out of the prepackaged foods or remain depressed because they have to diet. Talk about a cycle!

When one overeats, it’s not because their body is calling for yet more nutrition to rebuild itself or to provide energy. One overeats for emotional reasons. An overeater is attempting to make themselves feel better! But overeating and snacking don’t make them feel better. After they have overeaten, they feel worse… and the overeating cycle goes on and on.
What’s the answer? Since the problem is emotional in nature, and since the emotions are located in the subconscious mind, doesn’t it only make sense to deal with losing weight on the subconscious level? Hypnosis is the bridge to the Alfa and Theta states of the subconscious mind.

If you would like to quit your dieting attempts and really lose your excess weight permanently, call Bob Crow at 404.277.1827 for a complimentary consultation.


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