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Secret Smokers

October 21st, 2013

My name is Bob Crow. I’m a behavioral therapist. I am board certified in both clinical and medical hypnosis. I practice in Atlanta, Georgia at the Atlanta Center for Behavioral Change.

I would like to address this to the Secret Smokers. Those individuals that don’t want others to think less of them because they smoke. Well… it doesn’t really matter what others think, but it does matter what you are doing to either shorten your life or make your life less enjoyable to live, or both!

Many say that smoking relaxes them. It doesn’t! Period! They may think and believe that it does, but it doesn’t. It’s easy to prove that it doesn’t. When we monitor an individual’s blood pressure and pulse when they are smoking, the blood pressure and pulse both show an alarming increase. No one is relaxed when their blood pressure is up. High blood pressure can cause one to stroke. Plus… when anyone smokes – they become both a blood clotting machine and the smoking constricts the blood vessels in their brain by 40%. That’s 40%! May I have a show of hands of those that wouldn’t mind it if they had a stroke? Right!

In addition to running the very real risk of having a stroke, a smoker is asking to have severe eye problems like glaucoma and macular degeneration. Do you really want to watch television in your advancing years by sitting sideways in front of the TV and only a foot from it in order to make out anything at all on the screen?

Maybe individuals that come to see me come for another reason – they suffer from panic attacks. Did you realize that if you smoke and contract emphysema you run the very real risk of having big time panic attacks? You see as emphysema advances, the patient struggles mightily for each and every breath, and they never really get a good full breath. And as soon as they get that partial breath, they have to begin the struggle all over again to get another partial one. Would you really like to be a burden on your grandkids by having them have to push you through the mall in a wheel chair while you are sucking on a little green bottle of oxygen? And hoping you don’t run out?

Did I mention that not only does smoking put you at risk for lung cancer, but colon cancer, bladder cancer, breast cancer, testicular cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer and any place that your blood flows?

When you smoke, the carcinogenic agents and poisons in the smoke flow to your heart and attack the heart muscles – weakening them. Your heart doesn’t like that.

Let me tell you what the experience will be like if you come and allow me to enable you to become a non smoker.

  • You won’t want to smoke anymore! In fact… most individuals have zero desire to smoke after the very first session. You will need to come to the next two sessions and listen to the CDs of those sessions for reinforcement.
  • You will not be climbing the walls.
  • You will not be anxious.
  • You will not crave cigarettes or smokeless tobacco products.
  • You will wonder why you every smoked in the first place!

I guess it’s decided then. You don’t want to die from smoking. You don’t want the enjoyment of life to be diminished, and you do want to become a non smoker.

Call Bob Crow at 404.277.1827 and make your appointment to become a non smoker!

A weight loss diet that doesn’t utilize behavioral change, is doomed to fail!

October 18th, 2013

Many that want to lose their excess weight, think that they can lose it without making behavioral change. Wrong! Since their old behavior allowed them to become heavy, they must make permanent behavioral change or they’ll continue to regain and to be overweight. An overweight person’s behavior allows them to gain three to seven pounds a year, year after year until they are seriously heavy. The behavior that allowed them to become overweight must be changed, if they desire permanent weight loss! Conventional weight loss diets only allow one to lose weight temporarily.

I’m Bob Crow. I’m a behavioral therapist that utilizes hypnosis in my weight loss practice in Atlanta, Georgia. The crux of my program is true behavioral change. Anything else is just another conventional weight loss diet. Doomed to fail. Some cost more than others because they market better, but the theme is the same – you can lose weight effortlessly with this pill or with that diet.

Many are more interested in how easy or effortlessly the program promises to be rather than doing what it takes to lose and stay thin and healthy. One weight loss “system” touts that you can continue to eat “pasta, pizza and pot roast” – and then they show a woman with a very flat stomach that obviously does not eat “pasta, pizza and pot roast”. In the Atlanta market we continually hear radio or TV personalities touting a weight loss program that they are using. Only they are needing to go back on the program again and again because they gained their weight back on a vacation or a trip to Hawaii or through the holidays.  They’re promoting the same program that they used last year, the year before and the year before that. Obviously those programs aren’t about “permanent” weight loss.

And to those individuals whose primary motivation is only event driven weight loss – like to be able to fit into a wedding dress, a formal gown or a sport coat, and then as soon as the event is over, to return to their old eating habits again – I can only say to them “don’t settle for that, you can lose that excess weight and keep it off”. Otherwise they will yo yo throughout their life going from what promises to be one quick fix weight loss fix after another. Like “only eat such and such foods together”. Or “try the Akron or Peoria” diets. (joke). Or “don’t eat foods that begin with the letter ___ on Mondays and Thursday.” Or this pill will burn off fat… effortlessly while you sleep.

We utilize hypnosis in a number of ways to enable an individual to make permanent behavioral change in our weight loss program. If through hypnosis you no longer want to eat certain foods. There’s no downside is there?

Our program is like nothing you’ve ever done before. If you’ve given up. If you want to lose weight, not be hungry, not crave certain food and keep the  weight off permanently –  and not just look okay for the high school reunion, I invite you to call Bob Crow at 404.277.1827 for a complimentary consultation.


October 16th, 2013

Worry is often debilitating. Worry is always about the future. Worry can cause our physical body to react in a negative manner with gastro-intestinal problems, headaches, skin problems and worse. Worry can rob one of sleep. Of peace-of-mind. Of a sense of well being. Worry can cause one to be distracted and unable to concentrate. Worry can cause one to stress – and no one performs at the top of their game when they are stressed. Worry takes the joy out of life.

In an attempt to stop worrying and comfort themselves, many use other distractions. Some use drugs. But in addition to hard drugs and antidepressants, there are many other drugs. We call them drugs of choice. Overeating. Alcohol. Spending money. Sexual addiction. A drug of choice is anything that will distract one from worrying. None of them work long term.

So why worry? How many times have others or you told yourself – “just stop worrying”. Right. Easier said than done. Saying to yourself “stop worrying” is a command to your conscious mind. You’ve tried to stop with the will power and discipline of the conscious mind, many times. It didn’t work. Since worry emanates from the sub conscious mind – that is where one must deal with it.

Our subconscious mind is where we find our personality. Our personality is how we see ourselves relating with others. Our habits, our moods, our memory banks and our emotions reside there. Our subconscious mind daydreams. And when that daydream contains doubt and fear… we worry. To overcome worry, we must access the subconscious mind.

How is one to access the subconscious mind deliberately? How do we get there on purpose? There are many ways that we access the subconscious mind without trying. If we drive past our exit on the interstate, we did it in our subconscious mind. If we get lost in a fiction book, we’ve accessed the Alpha mind – that’s the first level of the subconscious mind. The next level of the subconscious mind is the Theta state. The only way to access the subconscious mind on purpose – is with hypnosis. Hypnosis is the bridge to the subconscious mind.

My name is Bob Crow. I’m a behavioral therapist. I use hypnosis in my practice in Atlanta, Georgia to enable people to deal with problems that have their root cause in their subconscious mind. If you want to defeat and move past worry, I invite you to call me at 404.277.1827.

Following Policy? Or only trying to stay in your familiar zone?

October 13th, 2013

We’ve all had the experience of being frustrated by a store clerk, a government employee or you name it, at that individual hiding behind the phrase “I’m sorry, but that’s our policy”. Is the individual lazy, are they afraid to use their brain or just plain frightened to use common sense?

There are times when I’m absolutely “blown away” by the rigidity, inflexibility and the fixation to “policy” by some people. Policy is only a guide. It’s not something written in stone that must always be followed! There are times to use good judgment!

My names’ Bob Crow. I’m a behavioral therapist board certified in clinical and medical hypnosis. My practice is in Atlanta Georgia at the Atlanta Center for Behavioral Change.

Case in point. My brother-in-law is on temporary assignment in Arizona. He wanted my wife and I to get the ball rolling for him to buy a house in metro Atlanta. I called an agent my wife knew. My wife had seen a family member of this agent for sales performance, and that family member had also attended our The 10% Edge Seminar. We knew that the husband was in real estate sales, so I called him and gave him a good lead, my brother-in-law! I explained that my brother-in-law had asked us to do some of the leg work before he made a trip back to Atlanta. The agent called my brother-in-law and got the price range and other parameters on the house. Now keep in mind the agent knew my wife and I. We gave him a good lead with no strings attached.

My brother-in-law started the mortgage process, but wanted us to check out some of the houses in advance of him returning to Atlanta to see them for himself. So far so good.

The agent emailed us several houses and we called him back and said that my brother-in-law wanted us to look at the houses before he flew back to Atlanta from Arizona. At this point, sufficient time hadn’t passed (four days) for my brother-in-law to get approved for a mortgage. Are you with me so far?

I called the agent and told him that there was a small window of time on Monday when my wife and I both, weren’t seeing patients or lecturing at Atlanta Hospitals – very rare. I told him we wanted to see four houses. This real estate agent knew that we weren’t buyers of dubious qualification wanting to buy a house that we weren’t qualified to buy, but were well respected behavioral therapists with full time practices. We gave him a well qualified lead, but he absolutely refused to give us the courtesy of letting us preview any houses for my brother-in-law until he was pre approved for a mortgage! Incredible! We didn’t ask him to write a contract, we just wanted to make sure that we were all on the same page.

The agent works for himself, makes his own rules and doesn’t need anyone else’s permission to show us a house without the buyer being approved for a loan first. He told us that it was his policy to not show a house without loan approval first. He wouldn’t budge. He was rigid. We weren’t unknowns asking him to spend weeks showing us houses. He didn’t appreciate the fact that we gave him a customer that he didn’t have to do anything to get. A buyer that he wouldn’t have had without us. We could have given the lead to anyone, but we gave it to him.

There was nothing that I could say. No amount of logic. Nothing. So… he lost a good commission. Why? Why couldn’t this individual distinguish between showing mature professionals, three or four houses for a buyer that they had given him, and taking a young couple out for several weeks to look at houses that they may not have been qualified to buy? You need to know when to flex. He didn’t. And… it cost him several thousand dollars in a real estate commission. In short – he blew it big time. It cost him.

Unfortunately this is not an isolated incident. Every day we see individuals hide behind “policy” that doesn’t make sense for every situation. These decisions hurt them! So maybe a question to ask yourself is do you make those kinds of decisions and later wonder “why did I do that?” Quite often it is because the individual just isn’t seeing clearly. Most often their vision is blocked by something that they aren’t aware of it. A trigger from their past. Remember this… the person with the most flexibility in a conflict or a negotiation will win.

The person with the most flexibility in a conflict or negotiation wins

If you make decisions that in retrospect are not good, call Bob Crow at 404.277.1827 for a complimentary consultation to see what’s going on. The idea is to identify what drove you to make an unwise decision and to move beyond it.


September 9th, 2013

Did you know that root canals, childbirth, cystoscopic bladder examinations and colonoscopies can be easily accomplished without the conventional anesthesia that uses chemical agents? Painless child birth? Painless surgery? Painless cystoscopic and colonoscopy examinations? Some new breakthrough? Not at all. In fact the history of using hypnosis as anesthesia is quite interesting.

The roots of hypnosis were in medicine, not entertainment. In fact all of the early practitioners were medical doctors and scientists. In the mid 1800’s, Dr. John Elliotson, Dr. James Esdaile and Dr. James Braid, to name but a few of the early pioneers of Hypnothesia, used hypnosis as their sole anesthesia for surgical procedures.

Dr. John Elliotson who held a chair at the University College in London performed 1853 surgical procedures using hypnosis as the only anesthesia. What kind of operations are we referring to? Appendectomies. Amputations. Bowel resections. Breast removal. Hemorrhoid removal. Prostate surgery. Civil surgeons of both the North and the South performed amputations utilizing hypnosis when ether and laudanum were not available.

Hypnosis was considered to be far safer than laudanum, chloroform and ether, as how much of these agents could safely be used without killing the patient, was yet to be determined. The blood pressure cuff would not be invented for another forty years.

Dr. William S. Kroger was an American doctor cross disciplined and specializing in OB, GYN, general surgery and neuroendocrinology. Dr. Kroger demonstrated the use of hypnosis as the sole anesthesia on the surgical removal of a breast tumor on closed circuit television to several medical schools. Another surgical event was filmed when he removed an enlarged thyroid gland. After the hour long procedure, the patient got off the OR table and asked for a drink of water and then got in her wheel chair for the ride back to her room. She was quoted as saying “I felt no pain. I could only feel pressure and what seemed like a tugging at my throat.” Dr. Kroger used film to capture painless childbirth as well. These films were used as teaching aids for medical schools and hospitals. He also produced the film Hypnosis in Dentistry. His book, Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis became the bench mark text on medical hypnosis. It is still the definitive text on the subject thirty years after its publication. Through his seminars and writings he changed the perception of hypnosis from entertainment to being a respected medical option and therapy.

Dr. Milton Erickson, MD was considered to be the founding father of modern hypnotherapy. He utilized hypnosis in not only his psychiatry practice, but in instructing countless dentists and medical doctors in pain mitigation and painless dentistry.

This writer is far from advancing the premise that all surgeries should be done without the chemical agents used in anesthesia. However, for routine child birth, dental procedures including root canals and extractions, cystoscopic exams and colonoscopies it gives one an incredible alternative to conventional anesthesia. We invite calls from you, your medical doctor and your dentist to see if this might be something for you and your medical professional to consider.

If you have an interest in Hypnothesia, I invite you to call Bob Crow, 404.277.1827 at the Atlanta Center for Behavioral Change to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Reinvention… the antidote for job or career disruption.

September 3rd, 2013

I’ve had individuals contact me for a variety of job and career related issues. Some have suffered from the downsizing of the company where they worked. Some from their job being eliminated. Some from termination or being forced to take an early retirement.water slides for sale

I’m Bob Crow. I’m a behavioral therapist board certified in both clinical and medical hypnotherapy. I see people for a variety of performance and behavioral change issues at The Atlanta Center for Behavioral Change.

What happens to an individual when one’s skills or position are no longer in demand or appreciated? What emotions might one experience when their world has been turned upside down? Panic? Terror? Denial? Many are paralyzed by fear.

Our only two problem solvers, our imagination and creativity are not located in the conscious mind, but in the subconscious mind. When an individual is confronted with a problem, or uncertainty or disappointment, the natural reflex is to become stressed. And when one is stressed, they’re cut off from their imagination and their creativity. And when they are cut off from their imagination and creativity, they can’t see a way out.

I’m amazed when I see some individuals keep trying to get rehired to do the same job that they’ve lost! It’s like they believe that that job was the only thing they’re qualified to do. They’ll try to get rehired doing what they used to do for years. They want to stay in what had become their familiar zone. Notice I didn’t say their comfort zone. Comfort zone is a term coined by the “pop psychologists”. As I found so many people miserable in this so called comfort zone, I renamed this comfort zone to more accurately reflect what it truly is. I call it the familiar zone.

When rats are placed in a large maze with food at the end of it, they quickly learn the path to get to the food reward. When they are placed in the maze they scramble to get to the food. Day after day after day, they run the maze to get to the reward.  But what happens if the reward is taken way? (Isn’t that like losing a job?) Well, the rats run the maze for about three days and then they stop running the maze. I’ve often wondered if that proves that rats are smarter than people, because people often keep trying to get the job that they once had. The days turn into weeks, the weeks turn into months and the months turn into years until they finally stop trying.

If your old job or career has been eliminated, and you’ve been unsuccessful in finding another one just like it, is there any reason not to move on and … reinvent yourself? To find a better opportunity? Why not allow your subconscious mind, that’s the one that’s 90% stronger than your conscious mind, to see you doing something different, more rewarding and more exciting. Life is meant to be lived… not just endured! One simply cannot make the necessary behavioral changes required for a richer and fuller life in the conscious mind. We all have an automatic pilot that keeps us doing what we’ve been doing, and seeing ourselves a certain way.  Behavioral scientists call it our cognitive maps. Our cognitive maps are located in our subconscious mind. Therefore the only place one can change or modify these maps in order to reinvent ourselves, is in the subconscious mind.  Thinking positive thoughts won’t do it as that is a process of the conscious mind. Neither will just being up get it done. You must access your subconscious mind to make real permanent behavioral change. To see yourself as who and what you want to be, not as who you were!  Understand this…hypnosis is the bridge to the subconscious mind.

I invite you to call Bob Crow at 404.277.1827 for a consultation to explore the power of your own subconscious mind. Why not reinvent yourself into the future that you want… not settle for one that isn’t?

Procrastination… is the ruination of inspiration!

September 2nd, 2013

If you don’t get it done… it doesn’t really matter why… does it? You didn’t get it done. Period. It doesn’t matter how great the idea was. How important it was. How inspired your concept was. Or how much it needed to be done. If you didn’t do it… you didn’t do it. Resolutions, promises and vows to yourself to the contrary. Most often people don’t get things done for the simple reason that they put off starting them! Many of the people that contact me do so because they have a problem with procrastination. They relate that they either “don’t know why they procrastinate” or they have a variety of reasons and excuses as to just why they do so.

I’m Bob Crow and I’m a Behavioral Therapist. I am a co founder of the Atlanta Center for Behavioral Change in Atlanta, Georgia. I’m board certified in both clinical and medical hypnosis. Although I practice hypnosis, it isn’t the only therapy that I utilize, but by far it’s the most effective.

In the mid 1980’s Reebok was sweeping the aerobic race and consequently selling more gym shoes than Nike. Nike countered with the theme, Just do it! and Nike gained an overwhelming market share. Just do it!… then became Nike’s slogan. Comedian Daniel Lawrence Whitney, better know as Larry the Cable Guy made popular the motto “Get ‘er done”.  I would also add to that: Get ‘er started and get ‘er finished!

But barring that the individual isn’t lazy – what keeps many from getting started, or once they’re started… from finishing? Almost always it’s fear. In many many instances it’s the fear of failure. I ask this question of individuals that I’m working with: “If you knew you couldn’t fail and things would work out, would you put the project off or fail to finish or as Larry the Cable Guy says – “Get ‘er done!”

I invite you to call Bob Crow at 404.277.1827 for a consultation. Why not find out whatever it is that has been causing you to sabotage yourself, and move past procrastination with hypnosis! Don’t put off calling! Don’t procrastinate calling me. Don’t delay and don’t put it off. Call me and let’s get started!

Weekends… a chronic weight loss enemy that needs to be defeated!

August 25th, 2013

My name is Bob Crow. I’m a behavioral therapist board certified in both clinical and medical hypnosis.  Hypnosis is not our only therapy… but by far it’s the most effective. I work with those that desire to lose weight through hypnosis, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Many of these individuals are tired of the weight loss roller coaster and seek a permanent weight loss solution through hypnosis in Atlanta. The program consists of three phases and it’s most important to finish all three to assure permanent weight loss. The three phases are the weight loss phase. The re feeding phase is where some of the foods that weren’t available in the weight loss phase are re introduced under controlled conditions. And lastly, the maintenance phase which enables one to not regain the weight they’ve lost.

Those that stick to my program seven days a week – have great success. You noticed that I said seven days. Not five. Not six. But seven days a week. But most people when they’ve tried conventional weight loss programs, took the weekend off! But if you take the weekend off, whatever calorie deficit achieved through the week, will be lost on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. Many that say they’d like to lose weight have been doing it that way for years, but with no lasting long term success. The eating cues most often come from events or places.

What is it about weekends that causes most diets to tank? Well on the weekends the daily routine is changed. Many get up later which allows their blood glucose to drop to lower levels than it would be when they get up through the week. They eat later and absent mindedly eat what they shouldn’t. With their daily routine changed the opportunity is there to eat foods that aren’t in the weight loss phase. Samples available at Costco and other grocery stores. Tail gate parties, weddings and ball games. Also if they go to the mall, they are off their eating schedule, so they go to the food courts located in the malls.

One’s weekend might start this way. Friends are met after work. The friends get there before you do and order drinks and chips. Before you arrived, you were determined not to eat what’s detrimental to you, but the appetizers and maybe your favorite drink await you. And… well a couple of nachos won’t hurt. Will they? Actually yes. When one eats the foods that they shouldn’t in the weight loss phase, they’ll re-awaken their desire for those foods and won’t be able to eat just two, or three or four chips or whatever it is.

One of your new behavioral changes will be to view food as fuel for your body and mind! The old you, viewed food as entertainment, something to make you or feel better or something to do. So if you hang out people on the weekends that still look at food this way, you’ll do what they do. You’ll eat! And if you eat the things that put the weight on you in the first place, you’re guaranteeing that you’ll destroy your hard won week’s progress. By the way…don’t make your weight loss program a topic of table conversation either. Friends don’t know how to lose weight and keep it off. They only have opinions!

Is there a way to break the cycle of five weight loss days followed by the diet destroying days on the weekends? Yes there is! It’s hypnotherapy. Hypnosis will enable you to not want to take the weekend off and to avoid many of the things that you did to sabotage yourself in the past. If you’re serious about losing excess weight and want to make the behavioral changes that will enable you to do so, I invite you to call Bob Crow for a complimentary consultation to get you onto the road to your last weight loss program ever!

You’re still smoking? Really?

August 4th, 2013

Do you have a wish to die a slow and scary death? What is wrong with you? In addition to dying from emphysema, there are many types of cancer in addition to lung cancer that one may die from. Depending on which studies that you read, there are between 5000 to 7000 carcinogenic agents in every cigarette. Your lungs and bronchial airways absorb these agents. The contaminated blood carrying these carcinogens is then pumped throughout the entire body!

Therefore in addition to contracting lung cancer, an individual may die of testicular, ovarian, bladder, breast, brain, pancreatic, kidney, liver cancer and the list goes on and on. What percent risk is acceptable to you for contracting one of these killers – 75%, 60%, 50%, 5%? Pick one. You’re gambling with your life. To ignore the chance of a debilitating lifestyle or an early death is not really that smart. Is it?

And how about a stroke? When you smoke, you are a blood clotting machine. When you smoke you constrict the blood vessels in your brain by 40%. When a blood clot is released and it goes north into your brain – bingo – you have a stroke. I wonder what the worst thing about a stroke would be. Not being able to talk? Not being able to walk? Not being able to feed yourself? How about not being able to clean yourself up after a bowel movement? Of course you might have only a mild stroke. Maybe your face might be the only thing that is paralyzed. Maybe it would be limp on only one side. Who wants that?

I’m Bob Crow, a Behavioral Therapist practicing in Atlanta, Georgia at the Atlanta Center for Behavioral Change.. I know that I cannot make you give up smoking. I know that. This article is strong. I know that too. I could not get my father to give up smoking. He always thought that he would have the time to give up cigarettes. But he ran out of time. He died of lung cancer. I could have enabled him to become a non smoker, but he chose to wait too long.

I know you’ve tried to stop smoking…probably countless times. You might have even tried Chantix tm, gums and shots. What you haven’t tried is Bob Crow to enable you to become a non smoker! Bob Crow is a Behavioral Therapist board certified in clinical and medical hypnotherapy. There’s a huge difference in trying to stop smoking with whatever willpower and discipline your conscious mind can muster, and becoming a non smoker with the power of your subconscious mind. You will not be climbing the walls.

Call Bob Crow at 404.277.1827 to learn about his three session program to become a non smoker. You… your family and your friends will be glad that you did!

Have you ever really done your best? Really?

August 3rd, 2013

In this chapter we’re going to discuss how individuals that have developed certain skills whether it be in sales, sports, public speaking, playing the piano, acting or whatever, that are performing below their skill level, can benefit greatly from hypnotherapy. Using hypnosis will enable one to change how they see themselves performing. Hypnotherapy will sharpen their skills and their abilities and will bring about startling improvements in their performance.

When a person analyzes their performance they are doing so with the beta or conscious mind. The nick name for the conscious mind is the critical mind. Interesting isn’t it? Have you ever really done your best? Really? Have you ever wanted to do your best, but came up short? Have you ever had the feeling deep down, that maybe you could have done better? That something was holding you back? That possibly… just possibly, even though you didn’t mean to or want to, that you were somehow sabotaging yourself? Unwittingly… you probably were. Most people’s belief system in their abilities has been corrupted by others opinions of them, including parents and family as they were growing up, by what has been said to them.

I’m Bob Crow. I’m a behavioral therapist practicing in Atlanta GA. I’m board certified in clinical and medical hypnotherapy. A great deal of my practice is performance oriented. I work with people that wish to improve their performance in sports, sales, weight loss, public speaking, marital relationships, family relationships, and work place relationships – in fact anywhere they wish to excel – hypnosis will be very beneficial.

How a person sees them self is the most determining factor in how they’ll perform. If one sees themselves in their subconscious mind as an average or a below average performer, no matter how much motivation or training they receive, they will perform in an average or below average fashion. Period. If our subconscious sees us as having limited abilities – that is how we will perform.

Why doesn’t “psyching” yourself up – work? It’s because when one attempts to psych themselves up; the only tool at their disposal is the conscious mind. But… that isn’t where the lack of confidence and limiting beliefs are located! Those beliefs are located in the cognitive maps of the subconscious mind. Therefore to bring about the desired increase in performance, one must work with the subconscious mind, and the only way that the subconscious mind can be accessed deliberately is through hypnosis. That’s why hypnosis is known as the bridge to the subconscious mind.

I have individuals that come to see me because they want to be able to speak in public. With hypnosis, I work with them not just to be able to deliver the speech without messing up – but to make a truly exciting, interesting and compelling speech. You can’t do that unless you see yourself as a great public speaker in your subconscious mind.

We’ve discussed how trying to psych yourself using your conscious mind can’t work long term and short with any discernible amount of difference. So in whatever area of your life, where just trying harder didn’t seem to make any appreciable difference, call Bob Crow at 404.277.1827 for a complimentary consultation. We’ll visit about what you are wanting to improve at and you can determine whether you want to utilize the power of hypnosis – not to just do better, but to excel!